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A 2024 Guide to Web Application Development | Teravision Technologies

  • Web Application Development
  • Software Development

01 July 2024


Picture this: you have an idea for an amazing web application. It could be an app for organizing certain aspects of your business, or a new product you want to release as part of your portfolio. Regardless, you saw that this web application was necessary and, best of all, it’s always going to help you make more money. Your vision is set! Although, there is one small problem with you vision: building a web application is out of your area of expertise. No worries though, all you’d have to do is build a web application development team and get started on the process, right? Well that depends. Some companies don’t have the luxury to devote a lot of time to finding inhouse web app development teams, especially if you have a time-to-market goal that is fast approaching. You’ll end up consuming valuable time not only finding talent but vetting them to make sure they have the competencies you need. Well, there’s no need to worry about that! Teravision Technologies has been in the market of software and web app development for over 20 years now. We have the expertise on how best to approach these types of projects through our web development services.

How Will This Guide Help Me with Web Application Development?

Web application development isn’t a difficult discipline to grasp. For many of you, this will probably not be your first rodeo. For others, they may have ample experience developing software and products, but not necessarily anything related to web app development. With this guide, we hope to provide value for both beginners and veterans in web app development with information and tools that will allow them to level up their skillset. From breaking down its benefits to analyzing different examples, we hope this guide can bring you valuable information for your process. From technical product managers, to veteran CTOs. Learn about what web application development is, how it works, and what you must do to build a web app with this guide.

Defining Web Application Development

Web application development involves building a web application through a process unique to this specific solution. Part of what makes this solution unique is its interaction with the browser over other processes. Most cases of web application development involve the definition of a problem you wish to solve, making a mock up for a product, choosing a tool to use in development, then building and testing the web app alongside your userbase.

What is a Web Application?

Here’s a little reminder of what a web application is: A web application, often referred to as a web app, refers to an interactive computer program built with web-based technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, that can store and interact with data. These apps are used to perform task over the internet, through a web browser. The ability to interact with data in these apps are the main point of web app development. Another way to look at it is that web apps are essentially web pages with app like functionalities, where the user experience is presented in the browser, while the rest is done via a server. Just in case, some examples that help illustrate what a web application is can be found here: • Mailchimp • Google Docs • Notion • Xero • Airtable • Sales Force As you can see, a web application has no real limit to what types of products can be made. Mailchimp is an email marketing platform, Google Docs is a document writing web application, Notion for note taking, the list goes on. Web app development is a very flexible software solution.

Web Application Vs. Website

The way we interact with these solutions is the main difference between them. A web application focuses on input – data can be created, read, updated and deleted within them. Websites focus on output - we read the information that a website provides and can’t interact with it as much as we can with a web application.

What is a Progressive Web Application

A progressive web application refers to a newer type of web application that behaves similarly to a native web application, though can potentially outperform them. A progressive web application has the capability to be downloaded to your device and stored to your home screen, making them almost like a native web application. They can also be used offline, unlike any traditional web application.

What Are the Benefits of a Web Application?

Understanding why you would build a web application should be one of your starting points. Each software solution can provide different benefits for your product, and not every solution can be considered a perfect fit for every project or idea you have in mind. With this in mind, let’s look at some of the benefits that web application development can give. These benefits can help you understand if web app development will be the best solution for you.

Faster Deployments

It’s incredibly easy to get a web application up and running. When you begin to compare between other solutions, a web application requires less time and has less barriers to get through when deploying them, as well as being extremely flexible when it comes to frameworks you can use. For example, developing a mobile app for Apple or Google Play limits you to a specific number of frameworks you can use. This narrows the scope of your application development process quite a bit, as you’ll be working around the limitations of these frameworks. Other barriers like Apple’s vetting process can also slowdown your progress. This can add months to your go-to-market time and make your goals less attainable. With that in mind, a web application can offer many benefits that limit the impact the other downsides have. All you’ll need to roll out a web application is simply provide a URL.

Easier Access

Not only is website application development better for roll outs, it is also the better choice if you’re looking to make it easier for users to find and use your web application. Web application development allows your tools to be accessible from any browser. This depends of course of the limitations you place, of course, but generally speaking these apps can be accessed anywhere.

This means that, regardless of how many devices are used throughout the day, or if tasks are simply hot-desked, users will always be able to use the tools they need, regardless of where they are or what device they’re using. This, since users can enjoy the same experience on their phone, desktop, or tablet.

More Convenience

With ease of access comes convenience. Web application development makes using tools more convenient than native apps. This comes from the time when smartphones where still in their infancy, and brands expected users to download their apps, even though consumers didn’t really want that. The more apps you download, the more cluttered your home screens would be and the less your devices would last, making downloading apps annoying. This led to the basic understanding that apps would only be downloaded if they were going to be used frequently. Though there may be a few reasons to use native apps, web applications have become the norm for most consumers.

Lower Development Costs

Web application development is also a faster and less expensive alternative for developing solutions compared to native apps or desktop programs. This is in large part because the barriers we have in other solutions are not present in web application development, such as learning specific frameworks or a platform’s vetting processes. Also, web application development requires less custom work in order for the final product to function properly. This is mostly because of the flexibility this process has of incorporating different frameworks and tools into the process that speed up development. Not only that, but web application development has been moving towards offering low and no code solutions, which increases the speed even further.

The Disadvantages of Web Application Development

There is no such thing as a perfect for all situations tool. Same goes for these types of products. Web application development, though very useful, does have a few limitations that may make its products unsuitable for specific needs. It’s up to you to determine whether these limitations are crippling for your specific product. Here’s a reminder of what these limitations are:

You Always Need Internet

Though we are speaking in hyperbole here, web applications generally do require some sort of stable internet connection to work. We say it’s hyperbole because, as you can imagine, this isn’t always the case, though it can be varied. Some web apps like Google Docs do have functions that allow you to access and use their tools in an offline setting, though their uses may be limited. Compared to using them with an active connection. Others might deploy their functions to your local server, meaning you’ll need to be connected to your network to access them. Keep in mind this is not necessarily a problem; in some cases, this is something you’d want or need to implement. This is just a reminder of the limitations web application development has.

Functionality Limitations

Not all web applications are made equal. Some of them will possess limited functionality, not just by the internet connection but through hardware and device features. The way you’ll more likely to see these limitations is in the way your web applications can interact with specific parts of the OS and configurations. For example, web applications can be limited in how they interact with things like push notifications. Although it isn’t impossible to circumvent this limitation, it is pretty difficult to do so. It may even force you to implement a less optimal solution to do so, which makes it important to understand the functionality limitations you’ll have before you start your web application development process.

Security Vulnerabilities

We already mentioned how most web applications require a network connection to even be used. Well, this also leads to it’s own set of issues, such as security concerns. Web application development, though flexible in its development and roll out, probably doesn’t provide a product with the best security possible. Since these apps require an internet connection to work, it exposes these apps to different security risks that most native apps wouldn’t, such as SQL injections or cross-site scripting. Security risks, though problematic, can be prepared for. So even though it can be damaging to your app, so long as these security concerns are taken into consideration during the web application development process, this limitation is something that can be worked around. Just make sure they’re in your scope of work.

The Steps of Web Application Development

Web application development has different steps in the development process. Below we’ve summarized these steps to make your web application development process easier to understand. If you’d prefer to have a more custom-made breakdown for your own project, contact us and set up a call to begin your web application development journey with Teravision Technologies. Regardless, here’s a list of steps that web application development generally follows:

1. Defining Your Problem

Understanding the problem you’ll be solving will be key. Without having a clear objective in mind, organizing how the web application development process will be handled will only be more difficult. Take into consideration the scope of the problem, tools you’ll be needing and how this problem can be solved to have a clearer vision for your project’s north star.

2. Plan Out the Web Application Development Roadmap

After figuring out the problem you’re solving and the different aspects of the solution mentioned in the previous step, it’s time to map out your workflow and roadmap. What are the tasks you need to do to make this app work? What are your plans for release? How long will each task take to finish? These are crucial to make sure the web application development process is organized well to keep up with your objectives.

3. Prototype Your Web Application

Having the full process mapped out lets you begin prototyping your web application. Your roadmap should consider wireframing and prototyping your idea to be worked on and iterated alongside users.

4. Validate Your Idea

One thing is to release a prototype commercially, but another is to start testing via closed testing sessions alongside users. Validating and iterating the design and functions of your web application with your ideal users will help you understand your user’s needs better.

5. Time to Choose your Technologies

You may have already had an idea of what technologies your web application would need to function properly. However, your testing sessions with your wireframe/prototype might show a new necessity that isn’t covered by the technologies you’ve already established. This moment is the best time to reevaluate the technologies you’ll need for this web application.

6. Building Your Web Application

Remember, there are three main things to consider when building a web application:

1. Database

Build your database based on the type of data you’ll be needing and storing.

2. Front-end

Develop your web application’s front-end by following your prototype or wireframe, alongside with the feedback you’ve obtained during the validation phase.

3. Back-end

Build the back-end alongside the front-end to better serve its needs. Remember, your main focus when building the backend is fourfold; you’re providing HTTP endpoints for your frontend, authenticate users, authorization, and to serve the front-end.

7. Test and Iterate Your Web Application

Testing, testing and more testing. Iteration is not just done in the validation phase, it’s an ongoing process. Testing your web application can done manually or automated through different tools. The main points to cover during the testing phase is function, compatibility, usability, security and performance.

8. Hosting and Deployment – Enjoy Your Web Application!

Now it’s time to host and run your web application on a server. Buy a domain, choose a cloud hosting provider for the web application and finally migrate the app from your local machine to the hosting platform through a CI tool, then you’ll be good to go!

Some Web Application Development Frameworks

The main reason we use frameworks during web application development is to make the process easier and faster compared to coding a web application from scratch. Bellow will list a few frameworks that you can begin to use when making a web application. Each web application has its own benefits that can help with different situations. Frameworks mostly work on the back-end of the web application. However, there are a few that work on the front-end also, even though they are not really frameworks per se, as they really only represent the UI of the web application.

Back-end Frameworks

1. Rails

Rails is a framework that mostly excels at metaprogramming and database-oriented web programming. A popular derivative of the Rails framework is Ruby on Rails. In our experience, this framework is perfectly suited for smaller projects, losing its effectiveness as it grows in size and scope.

2. Django

Django is a Python-based framework, where it describes itself as one that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It’s also an extremely flexible framework, as it is compatible with multiple databases and is a cross-platform framework, though it’s mostly specialized in data processing applications.

3. Laravel

Laravel is a web application framework written in PHP. Another flexible tool for developing web apps, it has many functions that make development easier, such as elegant syntax, simplified routing engine, built-in authentication and authorization systems, among other features.

Front-end Frameworks

1. React

React is a JavaScript front-end library, perfect for larger scale web projects. It’s possibly one of the most popular front-end libraries that exist, and it’s no wonder why. React offers many benefits for any web application project, such as SEO friendliness, a stable code structure, easy to test and debug, and it’s hassle-free maintenance. It’s perfect for large scale web projects.

2. Vue

Vue is another JavaScript library, though smaller in size than react. Smaller doesn’t mean worse, as Vue can be easier to learn than React. Plus, it’s perfect for smaller sized projects, making up for React’s own tendency for larger projects.

3. Svelte

Svelte is a newer framework, that describes itself as a compiler rather than a framework. What does this actually mean? Well, there’s no virtual DOM, no multiple frameworks to work around, and no framework to load at runtime, helping web applications perform better than normal. Also, Svelte’s syntax makes it the easiest to learn out of all the frameworks we’ve mentioned before, plus it’s perfect for small and medium sized projects. The ecosystem of users is quite small, but dedicated.

Web Application Trends to Look Out For

There are many trends to look out for when it comes to web applications. Here are a few we’ve seen over the last year:

AI Web Experiences

AI has been advancing non stop over the past few years, and it’s been no different for web applications. Look forward to AI generating content, user interfaces, and even making websites feel responsive by themselves.

Progressive Web Applications

Sooner rather than later, you’ll not be able to figure out the difference between websites and apps. PWAs will offer you the flexibility that normal Was can’t, like offline features and faster loading times.

Voice Search Optimization

The voice recognition market is expected to surge to nearly 50 billion by 2029, according to Statista. Considering this, keeping this in mind for your next project isn’t such a bad idea.

Design with APIs in Mind

This helps with integration and connectivity between various web services and applications, leading to more scalable projects.

Serverless Architecture

Serverless computing let’s you be more efficient in costs, building and maintaining web applications, by eliminating the headache of maintaining a server

Let’s Wrap It Up

As you can see, we’ve been at this for a while. We’d love to help you bring your web application to life! Contact us and let us learn about your project!

  • application development
  • web development services
  • web application development
  • web app development
  • website application development
  • web application

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